Your mind affects your health - this is a scientifically proven fact.

Learn, how your mind impacts your body and how to use the knowledge to keep yourself healthy on the unique online course Healing mind.

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Marta Pyrchala writer and courses provider books
What you will find here:

Healing mind - how the mind affects your health abd how to use the knowledge in practice for your health

The course program of the Healing mind online course

Price of the online course Healing mind



Reiki energy healing. Discover the power of health in your hands Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises Relax. Effective and tested mental and physical techniques to get rid of stress

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Healing mind - how your mind affects your health

Relax. Effective and tested mental and physical techniques to get rid of stress Your mind affects your health! Your thoughts, feelings, ideas, beliefs, stress or relaxation are of great significance to the immunity of your body to illnesses and diseases.

These facts have all been proven by modern medical science called psychoneuroimmunology.

Read more about PsychoNeuroImmunology

You can find out how the mind affects health from a scientific point of view. You can also learn effective mental techniques that will make your health better! And all this without even leaving home - thanks to the unique online course.

With this unique, one-and-the-only training, you will learn the theory and practice of how the mind affects your health.

Read about the power of mind - courious case

Plan of the online course Healing mind

This course is proprietary. Copyrights belong to its author: Marta Pyrchała-Zarzycka.

Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Topics of the online course healing mind:

1. Psychoneuroimmunology and psychosomatics

2. Psychoneuroimmunology. Experiments, phenomena, research and its results

3. Nervous system and its interactions with other body systems

4. Immune system. Relationship between different systems

5. Impact of emotions on the body

6. Classification of psychosomatic diseases. Relationship between emotions and the occurrence of certain diseases

7. Impact of stress on health

8. Techniques for freeing oneself from stress

9. Meditation - theory and practice

10. Self-suggestion, affirmation and self-hypnosis for health

11. How to use imagination to restore/maintain health

12. Psychotronic method for health

13. Huna for health

14. Anti-stress health excercises

15. Art therapy. Plasticotherapy, bibliotherapy, choreotherapy and drama therapy

16. Music therapy

17. Basics of self-psychotherapy


Read about placebo effect

Price of the online course Healing mind

The price of the healing mind online course: 170 pounds (GBP), if you want to get diploma in pdf file on your e-mail address, 180, if you prefer to get the diploma by post (in the UK area).
If you are from another country and would like to get your diploma via post, please, contact with me before to set a price for sending. Thank you.

You may like less wide and cheaper versions of the online course about the power of mind for health:

Psychoneuroimmunology - how your mind affects your health - online course

Mental techniques for health - online course


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