HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques

Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions?

Do you want to learn how to improve your emotional well-being and boost your overall health?

Look no further than "Heal your Emotions with effective and tested mental techniques."

In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover how your emotions can affect your physical health and learn effective techniques to manage and heal them.

From fear and pain to depression and psychosomatic disorders, this book explores the relationship between emotions and health, backed by scientific research and real-life examples.

You'll learn about the different types of therapies that can help you heal, from laughter therapy and art therapy to bibliotherapy and music therapy and many more.

With practical exercises and techniques that you can easily implement in your daily life, you'll be able to start your healing journey right away.

Plus, as a special bonus, you'll receive a free dose of relaxation to help you unwind and destress.

Don't let negative emotions hold you back from living your best life. Get your copy of "Heal your Emotions" today and start your journey towards emotional and physical well-being.

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What you will find here:

1. Description of the book by Marta Pyrchala "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques"

2. Table of content of the book by Marta Pyrchala "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques"

3. Example of a chapter of the book "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques"

4. How to buy the e-book "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques"

Reiki energy healing. Discover the power of health in your hands Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises Relax. Effective and tested mental and physical techniques to get rid of stress

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Description of the book by Marta Pyrchala "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques"

Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques “Heal your emotions: with effective and tested mental techniques”

Welcome to Heal your emotions, a book that will guide you on your journey towards better emotional health.

In this book, you will find a comprehensive guide to understanding and improving your emotional well-being.

We will explore the science behind the influence of emotions on our health, as well as ways to heal and manage our emotions through various therapeutic techniques.

Part 1 of the book delves into the science of emotions and their influence on our health.

We will explore the psychophysiology of emotions, including the effects of fear, pain, and depression on our bodies.

We will also examine various views on emotions and health, and provide examples of how emotions can impact our health, as seen in literature.

In the second part of the book, we will explore various therapeutic techniques that can help us heal and manage our emotions.

We will discuss different types of psychosomatic disorders and their classification according to experts such as Manfred Breuler, Engel, and E. Scigala.

We will then explore various therapeutic techniques, including psychotherapy, laughter therapy, art therapy, plasticotherapy, choreotherapy, drama therapy, bibliotherapy, and music therapy.

Throughout the book, you will find exercises and techniques that you can practice on your own, to help you manage your emotions and improve your emotional health.

You will also find real-life examples of how these techniques have helped others, and tips on how you can incorporate them into your daily life.

In addition to the book, we are offering a free dose of relaxation to our readers. As a thank you for your interest and support, we hope that this gift will help you relax and unwind.

About the Author: Marta Pyrchala has a lot of experience in helping others to get back emotional health. She strated as a teenager from herself.

She is passionate about helping others improve their emotional health, and has dedicated her career to researching and practicing various therapeutic techniques.

She is the author of 4 books on emotional health and wellness, and is highly regarded in her field.

We hope that this book will serve as a valuable resource in your journey towards better emotional health.
Thank you for choosing Heal your Emotions.
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Table of content of the book by Marta Pyrchala "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques"

Marta Pyrchala writer and courses provider books Download the table of content of the book by Marta Pyrchala HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques


Psychophysiology of emotions 6
Fear and it’s influence on the body 10
Pain and emotions 12
The influence of depression on health 14
Emotions and health – views 16
Examples of the influence of emotions of health from literature 34
Classification according to Manfred Breuler 44
Classification according to Engel 44
Classification according to E. Scigala 46
Exercise 84
Exercise 86
Visualization – understanding yourself 88
Visualization – freeing yourself from negative traits 90
Visualization – positive feeling and behavior 90
Vizusalisation – building positive personality 92
Visualization – development of positive traits 94
Visualization – shaping yourself 94
Examples of affirmations 100
Benefits of laughter therapy: 110
How to provide laughter therapy into your life 112
History of art therapy 118
Benefits of art therapy 120
Art therapy in practice 120
Different kinds of art therapy 122
Exercise 124
History of choreotherapy 126
Benefits of choreotherapy 126
What problems in particular can be treated with dance therapy? 128
Exercise 130
History of drama therapy 132
Types of drama therapy 132
Clinical drama therapy 132
Developmental drama therapy 132
Benefits of drama therapy 134
How to perform drama therapy at home? 134
Exercise 1 134
Exercise 2 134
Techniques related to drama therapy 136
History of bibliotherapy 138
Types of bibliotherapy 140
Institutional 140
Clinical 140
Educational 140
Forms of bibliotherapy 142
Benefits of bibliotherapy 144
Exercise 146
History of music therapy 148
Indications for music therapy 148
Music therapy and physiological responses 148
Treating somatic disorders with music 160
Singing therapy – results on somatic diseases 162
Music pieces and study cases 166

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Example of a chapter of the book "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques"

Download the piece of a chapter of the book HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques


Marta Pyrchala writer and courses provider books Man is a being of power. Electrical impulses are rushing to the nerve fibers, natural "wiring" of the body.
When current flows through such wire, it produces electromagnetic field around it.

It has been proven that human bodies produce the electromagnetic field. Hence man is surrounded by it.

It has also been found that whether or not we are healthy depends, among other things, on what this field is.

Electromagnetic field brings harmonious physiological regulation, which, in turn, becomes essential for good health. Disharmonious field is a symptom of something being wrong with the body.

The largest field is produced by the heart. It turns out that if a person feels love, the heart’s magnetic field grows.
This, in turn, leads to the amplification and regulation of the entire body’s field.
Hence the feeling of love brings health through regulation of the electromagnetic field.

What is more, the feeling of love causes increased production of endorphins, which:
  • Improve mood
  • Have strong analgesic effect
  • Have anti-inflammatory property (useful in all kinds of infections)
  • Intensively stimulate the immune system (especially beta-endorphins).

  • Love yourself and you will be healthy.

    Exercise – developing love towards yourself

    Enter into a state of relaxation.
    Think about yourself and your body.
    Feel the love for yourself.

    If you cannot do it at the moment, remember the feeling of love that you once had. Allow it to fulfill your mind.
    Then move it to another part of your body - from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.

    Send love, feelings / words of gratitude, respect, recognition and acceptance to every part of you and your body.

    Repeat this exercise every day.


    He, who does not love himself, is ill.
    He, who does not love life, dies of disease.
    In order to be healthy, love not only yourself, but also your life.
    How? Perform the exercises with gratitude.

    Exercise – developing gratitude and love towards life

    Buy a notebook and write down the exercises.

    Step 1. Write down everything good that happened to you in life - any, even the slightest thing. Write until there's nothing else that comes to your mind.

    Step 2. It is a daily exercise, carried out in the evening.
    Write down every nice thing that happened to you today – e.g. beautiful singing of a bird outside the window, helping someone else or simply smile.

    Appreciate all the nice little events and enjoy them.

    With this simple exercise, you will begin to like your life and notice the good things.
    It will also be easier for you to see interesting opportunities and seize them more often, so that your life will become better and richer.

    In addition, your notebook will serve as a nice cure for any blues days you might encounter.
    Anyone, who regularly writes in their notebook, builds a positive attitude, optimism and self-confidence.

    Visualization – developing understanding yourself

    Enter into a state of relaxation.
    Imagine that you are surrounded by nature. This can be a beach, a forest glade or meadow. You are there alone and you feel safe.

    Someone will come to you in a moment. This will be a negative emotion of your choice - fear, hatred, negative thinking, anxiety.
    It will come to you in some kind of physical form.

    Talk to it, and find out what role it plays in your life, and why it appeared within you in the first place. It will also teach you how to get rid of it from your life.

    Here comes your weakness. Treat it with due respect and understanding.
    Remember - it is a source of valuable information about your life situations and solutions to many of your problems. Talk to it calmly.

    Once you feel that you know everything you need, find a magic wand in your hands. Say goodbye to the negative trait and touch it with the ​​wand.
    Under its influence, you'll see that your trait decreases and begins to disappear. Feel it disappear also from within you.

    Come out of the state of relaxation with a sense of being released from a particular trait.

    Visualization – freeing yourself from negative traits

    Enter into a state of relaxation.
    Find yourself out in nature.
    You feel safe and peaceful.

    You see the fire in front of you. Pull out from your body, life and mind everything that is associated with the negative feature that you want to free yourself from. Throw it into the fire and watch it burn.

    At the same time, feel how each of these problems disappears from your life, and that you are freeing yourself from it once and for all.

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    How to buy the e-book by Marta Pyrchala "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques"

    Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Are you tired with being unhappy and stressed?
    Do you have enough of sadness and anger?
    Would you like to get emotional freedom and become happy?

    You can heal your emotions! I will help you.

    Welcome to Heal your Emotions, a book that will guide you on your journey towards better emotional health.

    In this book, you will find a comprehensive guide to understanding and improving your emotional well-being.

    We will explore the science behind the influence of emotions on our health, as well as ways to heal and manage our emotions through various therapeutic techniques you can do at home.

    Here, you will get to know more about my book "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques".

    How to buy the book Heal YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques”

    Currently, you can use two ways to buy e-book by Marta Pyrchala "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques":

  • Pay for it 9.97 pounds on PayPal kursy@astrosalus.pl - disadvantages: you may wait up to 24 hours for you e-book
  • Or use this website to pay: You will be able to have your e-book in a moment

  • Soon printed versions will be available, and later audiobooks.
    The information about it will be on the web page and in News.
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