Here, you will find news about my books, courses and me.

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Marta Pyrchala writer and courses provider books
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News about books by Marta Pyrchala

News about courses by Marta Pyrchala

News about about Marta Pyrchala

Hello, I am Marta Pyrchala.

On this site, you will find information about news as for my books, courses and me.

Reiki energy healing. Discover the power of health in your hands Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises Relax. Effective and tested mental and physical techniques to get rid of stress

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News about books by Marta Pyrchala

September, 2023. One of my books published in Poland in the SBM publishing house has the second edition.

September, 2023. I am about starting releasing 4 books: (Reiki, Younger for longer, Relax and Heal your emotions.

At the moment they will be available in e-book version. Since October I plan them to release in printed version.

July, 2023. 3 other books are translated into English. They are half proofread.
The books are on the power of mind for health and psychoneuroimmunology.

Also, one of books - about Reiki - is translated into Spanish, as well as proofread.

Besides, half of books on The power of Mind is translated into Chinese.

June, 2023. Currently, 4 books are translated into English and proofread (Reiki, Younger for longer, Relax and Heal your emotions).
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News about my courses by Marta Pyrchala

August, 2023. Currently, on the platform about 30 courses.
Part of them they are courses on Reiki and similar topics (mostly video courses).

Also, there is available course on Czakra therapy, Huna, Working with energies, Relaxation techniques, The power of mind for health, psychoneuroimmunology.

All lessons and tasks are avaibale, but I work yet on audio exercises.
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News about me

I am just excited with going international :-)
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