Hi, I am Marta Pyrchala.
I write books and provide courses since 2009.

Here, you will get to know more about me - in short.
You will find here links to the information of your interests, as for my person.

You are here: Main page> About me> Shortly about me
Marta Pyrchala writer and courses provider books

Here you will find full information about me:
About me

Here you will find infromation about my education, my certificates, diplomas, courses I graduated: My education

Here you will find infromation about my books: My books

Here you will find infromation about my courses: My courses

Here you will find links to my websites: My websites

Here you will find infromation about my students: My students

Here you will find infromation opinions about me, my books and courses. I will add more soon: Testimonials

Here you will find infromation about my social media. You are free to follow me :-) Social media

Here you will find infromation about my personal life - my interests, collections, activities: Personal life

Here you will find infromation about my news: News

Here you will find infromation about contact to me: Contact

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