Hello, I am Marta Pyrchala. I am writer and courses provider since 2009.

On this site, you will find information about my online courses.

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Marta Pyrchala writer and courses provider books

What you will find here:

Reiki therapy online course

Relaxation techniques and stress management for health - online course

HEALING MIND - how it works and how to use it for health - online course

Reiki energy healing. Discover the power of health in your hands Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises Relax. Effective and tested mental and physical techniques to get rid of stress

ONLINE COURSES FOR YOU - sign up today

Reiki therapy online course

What is Reiki?

Reiki energy healing. Discover the power of health in your hands In physics, like in electricity, there are many types of energy.
In natural medicine, we also distinguish many different types of energy. These are for example: chi, prana and Reiki.

Reiki is a healing energy. Reiki treatment is a Japanese biotherapy.
It is a natural, effective and very safe natural method of healing.

Read more about what is Reiki

The effectiveness of Reiki treatments is scientifically proven.

Therefore Reiki is used not only in offices of naturotherapists and biotherapists, but also in many hospitals around the world.

In addition, the method Reiki is often used by the massage therapists, physiotherapists and beauticians.

Read more about evidence of Reiki and Reiki in the world

Everybody can learn Reiki treatment. You can get a benefits from Reiki therapy too.
You can learn how to use Reiki therapy through Reiki courses.

Find out more about my Reiki therapy courses


Relaxation techniques for health - online course

Relax. Effective and tested mental and physical techniques to get rid of stress According to many scholars, stress is the cause of all illnesses and diseases since it lowers the body's immunity.

Read more about stress and health

It is also believed that stress increases the risk of cancer and speeds up aging.
Furthermore, stress has a negative impact on mental health as well as the quality of work and relationships.

You don't have to give in to stress!

Learn how to relax effectively, increase resistance to stress and level its pernicious effects.
Sign up for an online course of relaxation techniques in theory and practice.

Find out more about Relaxation techniques online course

You may like cheaper version of the online course Relaxation techniques and stress management:

How to cope with stress - practical training


Healing mind - how your mind affects your health and how to use it for health - online course

Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Your mind affects your health! Your thoughts, feelings, ideas, beliefs, stress or relaxation are of great significance to the immunity of your body to illnesses and diseases.

These facts have all been proven by modern medical science called psychoneuroimmunology.

Read more about PsychoNeuroImmunology

You can find out how the mind affects health from a scientific point of view. You can also learn effective mental techniques that will make your health better! And all this without even leaving home - thanks to the unique online course.

With this unique, one-and-the-only training, you will learn the theory and practice of how the mind affects your health.

Find out more about Healing mind online course

You may like less wide and cheaper versions of the online course about the power of mind for health:

Psychoneuroimmunology - how your mind affects your health - online course

Mental techniques for health - online course


ONLINE COURSES FOR YOU - sign up today

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