Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises

Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises Welcome to the world of Tibetan exercises for staying younger for longer!

This ancient practice has been used for centuries to promote physical and mental wellbeing.

If you're looking for a natural, effective way to stay young and healthy, this book is for you.

In addition to rejuvenating Tibetan exercises, you'll also learn mental exercises and techniques to keep your body and mind young.

Here, you will get to know more about my book "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises".

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What you will find here:

1. Description of the book by Marta Pyrchala "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises"

2. Table of content of the book by Marta Pyrchala "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises"

3. Example of a chapter of the book "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises"

4. How to buy the e-book "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises"

Reiki energy healing. Discover the power of health in your hands Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises Relax. Effective and tested mental and physical techniques to get rid of stress

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Description of the book by Marta Pyrchala "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises"

Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises- book by Marta Pyrchala Welcome to the world of Tibetan exercises for staying younger for longer!

This ancient practice has been used for centuries to promote physical and mental wellbeing.

If you're looking for a natural, effective way to stay young and healthy, this book is for you.

In addition to rejuvenating Tibetan exercises, you'll also learn mental exercises and techniques to keep your body and mind young.

In the first chapter, we explore the origins of Tibetan exercises, including their benefits and effects on the body.
You'll discover how they work on the respiratory, circulatory, skeletal, muscular, endocrine, and immune systems, as well as their impact on the skin and psyche.

The second chapter dives into the human energy system, including the aura, chakras, and meridians, and how Tibetan exercises can help balance and strengthen them.

Proper practice is crucial for achieving the full benefits of Tibetan exercises, which is why the fourth chapter is dedicated to preparation techniques such as body awareness, conscious breathing, and physical readiness.

You'll also learn the principles and performance of rejuvenating meditations in chapter five, including how to perform six different rejuvenating Tibetan rituals, with step-by-step instructions and notes for each.

In chapter six, we explore rejuvenating body cleansing.

It includes methods for cleansing the intestines, kidneys, blood, liver, and lungs, as well as tips for reducing harmful substances and absorption.

Chapter seven covers rejuvenating relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation and Schultz autogenic training, and the positive effects of these techniques on stress reduction and overall wellbeing.

Finally, chapter eight discusses rejuvenating nutrition, antioxidants, and herbs, and the role they play in supporting a healthy lifestyle.

You'll learn about the basics of good nutrition, including tips for eating right, and the benefits of antioxidants and herbs in promoting longevity.

If you're looking for a natural, effective way to stay young and healthy, this book is for you.

With the knowledge and techniques contained within, you'll be able to keep your body and mind in top shape, and experience the benefits of Tibetan exercises for yourself.
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Table of content of the book by Marta Pyrchala "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises"

Marta Pyrchala writer and courses provider books Download the table of content of the book Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises

INTRODUCTION. Why do we age 10

CHAPTER 1.What are rejuvenating Tibetan exercises? 12

Introduction 12
What are rejuvenating Tibetan exercises? 12
The origins of Tibetan exercises 12
Opinions on the exercises 14
Summary 16

CHAPTER 2. The benefits of doing rejuvenating Tibetan exercises. How do they work? 18

Introduction 18
Benefits of the exercise 18
Effects of Tibetan exercises on the body 20
Effects on the respiratory system 20
Effects on the circulatory system 22
Effects on the skeletal system 22
Effects on the muscular system 22
Effects on the endocrine system 22
Effect on the skin 24
Effects on the body’s resistance 24
Overall impact 24
Effects of Tibetan exercises on the psyche 24
Summary 26

CHAPTER 3. The human energy system 30

Introduction 30
Aura 30
Aura cleansing exercise 32
Chakras 34
Base chakra 36
The sacral chakra 36
Solar plexus chakra 38
The heart chakra 40
Throat chakra 42
Third eye chakra 44
Crown chakra 46
Meridians 48
Main meridians description 50
The lung meridian 50
Bowel Meridian 50
Gastric Meridian 52
Spleen and pancreas meridian 52
Heart Meridian 54
Small intestine meridian 56
Bladder Meridian 56
Meridian kidneys 58
Pericardial Meridian 58
Triple heater meridian 60
Gallbladder meridian 62
Liver Meridian 62
Frontal major regulator (conception channel) 64
Rear major regulator (governing channel) 64
Task 66
Effects of Tibetan exercises on the energy system 66
Summary 66

CHAPTER 4. Proper practice of rejuvenating Tibetan exercises – preparation 70

Introduction 70
Building body awareness. Exercise 70
Conscious breathing. Exercise 72
Mental attitude to exercises. Exercise 74
Eutony exercise 76
Physical preparation. Exercises 78
Summary 78

CHAPTER 5. Rejuvenating Tibetan exercises in practice. Principles and performance. Rejuvenating meditations 82

Introduction 82
How to perform Tibetan exercises – general principles  82
First rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 86
Performing the first rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 86
The action of the first rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 88
Notes 88
Rest – relax with the breath 88
Second rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 90
Performing the second rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 90
Effect of the second rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 90
Notes 92
Rest – relax with confidence-building powers of rejuvenation 92
Third rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 94
Performing the third rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 94
Effect of the third rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 94
Notes 96
Rest – relaxation with positive suggestions 96
Fourth rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 98
Performing the fourth rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 98
The action of the fourth rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 98
Notes 100
Relaxation – relaxation with visualization  100
The fifth rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 102
Performing the fifth rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 102
The action of the fifth rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 104
Relaxation with self-hypnosis 104
The sixth rejuvenating ritual 114
Performing the sixth rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 114
Effect of the sixth rejuvenating Tibetan ritual 114
Relaxation with the Monahan method 116
Effects of other physical exercises on a younger appearance 118
Summary 118

CHAPTER 6. Rejuvenating body cleansing 122

Introduction 122
Cleansing the intestines 122
Cleanse your kidneys 124
Blood purification 124
Liver cleansing 124
Reduce harmful substances and their absorption 124
Sauna, steam baths and hot baths 126
Cleansing the lungs 128
Examples of breathing exercises - pranayama 128
Methodology for performing pranayam 130
Examples of pranayama 130
Task 136
What is yet vital for detoxification of the organism 136
Summary 136

CHAPTER 7. Rejuvenating relaxation in practice 140

Introduction 140
The effects of stress on the body. Relaxation and rejuvenation 140
Progressive muscle relaxation  142
How to perform progressive muscle relaxation  142
Phases of the progressive muscle relaxation exercise 142
Application of progressive muscle relaxation 144
Procedure for performing the treatment 144
Task 146
Schultz autogenic training 146
When is it a good idea to use autogenic training? 1148
Effects of Shultz’s autogenic training 148
How to practise autogenic training? 148
Procedure for a complete autogenic training session 150
Task 150
Summary 150

CHAPTER 8. Rejuvenating nutrition, antioxidants and herbs 154

Introduction 154
Eating right 154
The basics of good nutrition 154
Antioxidants 162
Vitamin A (retinol, beta-carotene, provitamin A) 162
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 162
Vitamin E (tocopherol) 162
Selenium (Se) 164
Zinc (Zn) 164
Other antioxidants 166
Rejuvenating herbs 166
Summary 168

CHAPTER 9. Rejuvenating visualisations and affirmations 172

Introduction 172
Affirmations in the service of youth 172
How to perform affirmations 174
Practice creating effective affirmations 174
Task 176
The Silva Method for youth – my adaptation 176
Method for performing the Silva mental treatment 176
Visualizing youth 178
Rules for effective visualization 178
Evelyn Monahan's metaphysical method for rejuvenation 178
Introduction 180
The middle part 180
Completion 182
Huna in the service of youth 182
The basis of the huna philosophy 184
Huna prayer 186
Summary  192

Completion 196

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Example of a chapter of the book "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises"

Download an example of a chapter of the book Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises

INTRODUCTION. Why do we age

Marta Pyrchala writer and courses provider books Why do some people look young for a long time and others age quickly? 
There are many reasons. These include:

• Genetic causes,
• Abnormal hormonal balance,
• Lack of exercise,
• Improper diet,
• A polluted body,
• Improper breathing,
• Belief in the inevitability of ageing and death,
• Improper hygiene,
• Inadequate body and skin care,
• Stress,
• Being weakened by disease.

With proper practice of Tibetan exercises, more than half of the factors mentioned above will not affect you, so you will be younger for longer.

CHAPTER 1. What are Tibetan exercises?


In this chapter, you will learn about the following topics:

• What are rejuvenating Tibetan exercises?
• The origins of rejuvenating Tibetan exercises.
• Opinions of people who train in rejuvenating Tibetan exercises.

What are rejuvenating Tibetan exercises?

Rejuvenating Tibetan exercises, also known as Tibetan rituals or rites, are special gymnastics from the Far East. It has a positive effect on the whole body and the energy system. 

A significant advantage of these exercises is that they are simple to perform. 

The activities take up little time so busy people can even practise them. It is a good start and an end to the day.

The origins of the rejuvenating Tibetan exercises

Peter Kedler told the history and genesis of the rituals. He is the author of “The Source of Eternal Youth”. He writes that he once met a mysterious colonel, Mr Bradford. 

While stationed in India, Bradford heard about a mysterious monastery of lamas (Tibetan monks). In this monastery, older people regain their youth and vigour, and sick people regain their health.

This process of rejuvenation and healing those people achieve through a proper diet and special exercises called Tibetan rituals. 

The Colonel swore to himself to find this monastery, which he did. He was later to tell Kedler about the secret exercises. 

The exercises of the Tibetan rituals are based on yoga. However, you perform them dynamically.

Opinions on the rejuvenating Tibetan rituals

Below, I have included the opinions of people from around the world who regularly use Tibetan exercises.

“Although I have only been practising the five rituals for a few weeks, I have increased my vitality tremendously.”

“After about three months of me performing the rituals, many people started telling me I looked younger.”

“I have been performing the rituals for two months now, and I seem to regain mental clarity. I also have more energy.”

“Some people say I have lost fifteen years.”

“After five weeks, wrinkles and age spots are slowly disappearing.”

Thanks to the five rituals, my muscles become firmer, and my body gets rid of fatty tissue.”

“My back pains passed after the first day of performing the rituals.”

“A few weeks after starting the rituals, my stomach ulcers healed almost completely.”

“I simply look younger and feel younger.”

“I have never felt so good in my life before.”

You, too, can experience such miraculous changes with regular practice.

Rest – relax with confidence-building powers of rejuvenation

Close your eyes and relax. Focus on your breathing.
Recall yourself when you were young. How did you feel then? What were you able to do then?
How did your body feel? What emotions were you experiencing?
Stay in that memory for a while.

Now transfer all those positive feelings and emotions about how you felt in the past to your body.
Feel again that your body is strong.
Your body is healthy.
Fill your body with the energy of youth.
Stay in this state for some time, enjoying the regaining of your youth.

Realize that you, and only you, are in charge of your body.
You can decide – grow old and die, or stay young and live.
Choose youth.
Decide to live.
Realize that it is possible – your body can regenerate and stay young.

Believe that you have the power to influence your body.
Feel this power – you are the master of your body.
Feel this power – you are the master of your youth.

Feel the joy and say to yourself: "How good it is that I can rejuvenate my body with my mind".
Give thanks for the power, for the power given to you over your body. Feel gratitude.

Know that nothing is impossible for you – see that you can maintain your youth. Rejoice in this gift.
Stay in this state for as long as you wish, and then return to your normal state of mind.


There are various causes of ageing in the body. These may include:

• Improper diet,
• Lack of exercise,
• Poisoning of the body with toxins,
• Genetic factors,
• Frequent illness.

Tibetan exercise, also known as Tibetan rituals or rites, is a special gymnastics that originated in the Far East.
It positively affects the whole body and the energy system. 

There are six rejuvenating Tibetan exercises. 

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How to buy the e-book by Marta Pyrchala "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises"

Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises Do you want to turn back the clock on your aging process?
Do you want to feel more
energetic and vibrant
every day?

Look no further than "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises".

This comprehensive guide to rejuvenating Tibetan exercises is packed with everything you need to know to stay looking and feeling younger, longer.

In this book, you'll discover the origins of Tibetan exercises and the benefits of incorporating them into your daily routine.

You'll learn how these exercises impact your body's respiratory, circulatory, skeletal, muscular, and endocrine systems, as well as your skin and overall resistance to illness.

You'll also gain insight into the impact of these exercises on your psyche, and how they can help you tap into your body's natural energy system for a more holistic approach to health and wellness.

But it's not just about physical exercise! You'll also learn about the human energy system, including chakras, meridians, and aura, and how to properly practice Tibetan exercises to reap their full benefits.

With step-by-step instructions and tips on proper preparation, you'll be ready to dive in and start seeing results in no time.

This book also includes rejuvenating meditations, body cleansing techniques, relaxation exercises for youth, and advice on proper nutrition for staying younger and the benefits of antioxidants and herbs.

With a comprehensive approach to holistic health, youth and wellness, you'll have everything you need to look and feel your best every day.

Don't wait another day to start taking control of your aging process.
Invest in "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises" today and start feeling the benefits of a younger, healthier you.

HOW TO BUY THE BOOK Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises

Currently, you can use two ways to buy e-book by Marta Pyrchala "Younger for longer with anti-ageing Tibetan rituals and mental exercises":
  • Pay for it 9.97 pounds on PayPal using your banc card or PayPal account. Disadvantages: you may wait up to 24 hours for you e-book
  • Or use this website to pay: You will be able to have your e-book in a moment

  • Soon printed versions will be available here, and later audiobooks.
    The information about it will be on the web page and in News.
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