Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Did you know, that your emotions affect your health?

It is scientifically proven, that experiencing negative emotions can bring you many kind of diseases, including heart diseases, isnomnia, constipation and many others.

What is more, negative emotions also make health problems, like allergy or diabitis more acute and severe.

That is why you supposed to get know how to deal with the stress and negative emotions to stay healthy.

Get know from here, if your health problem is impacted by negative emotions and learn, how to deal with them.

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What you will find here:

1. THE LIST OF PSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERS – how emotions and stress impact your health

2. How to buy the e-book "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques"

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PSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERS – how emotions and stress impact your health

Marta Pyrchala writer and courses provider books Download the table of content of the book by Marta Pyrchala HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques

Cough and hiccup. Cough is supposed to remove foreign bodies from the air passages.

It is regarded that stress can activate the bronchi and increase the secretion of certain substances (B. Luban-Plozza, W. Poldinger, F. Kroger, B. Wasilewski “Psychosomatic disorders in clinical practice”).

According to practitioners of psychosomatics, the cause of these symptoms is the attempt to release oneself from desires internally considered as improper.

Cough is also thought to be a sign of a presence of anger in the soul, which the patient failed to articulate in words.

Hiccups are more often observed in children whose parents have tendency to sudden and extreme changes in behavior – from excessive indulgence to extreme severity.

However, Bridge et alia claim that hiccups occur more often in case of sense of insecurity.

Pulmonary tuberculosis. A lot of people had a contact with Mycobacterium tuberculosis at least once in the lifetime, but most of them do not reveal clinical symptoms of the disease.

The research conducted in Switzerland shows that up to 80% of people aged 40 had positive result of the Mantoux test, but only 5-10% of them got sick.

How is it possible that certain people after contact with Mycobacterium tuberculosis stay healthy, while the others suffered from the disease?
It might seem that the personality of the patient is a factor implying the illness.

French general practitioner R. Laënnec as early as 1826 noted that tuberculosis patients go through deep sorrow and pain. It is very interesting, as according to Chinese medicine, existing for approximately 5000 years now, sadness is the emotion that is particularly harmful for the lungs.

Other scientists prove that a characteristic feature observed at people suffering from tuberculosis is unusual sensitivity – particularly when it comes to failures in romantic sphere.

Cardiac dysrhythmia. Patients suffer from accelerated pulse, sinus tachycardia, increased stroke volume, hypertension and decreased peripheral resistance.

The observation of their psyche implies that they tend to suppress the aggression. In childhood they usually were very lively and energetic.

Supraventricular tachycardia. Patients suffering from this disease usually are full of inhibitions.
They are hostile towards the others, but they hide it.

Myocardial infraction. Heart attack usually happen to people with personality type A.

The risk of suffering from this disease is increased by experience of strong stress, such as an end of a relationship or serious problems at work.

People, who survived a heart attack, usually are full of emotional tension, aggressive and they overuse harmful stimulants.

Relax. Effective and tested mental and physical techniques to get rid of stress Ischaemic heart disease. According to R. H. Rosenman, M. Friedman, H. F. Dunbar and C. D. Jenkins, people, who are the most likely to suffer from this disease, are also impatient, unyielding, they live in a constant hurry and overrate their capabilities.

Additionally, they are characterized by aggressiveness and high ambitions. They are usually workaholics.

Arterial hypertension. People with hypertension usually are reserved, social and they avoid confrontations.
They strongly identify themselves with their job.

Excess consumption of food. According to V. Pudel, people suffering from this ailment cannot deal with problems in a different way.

Eating decreases their psychological discomfort, induced by failures. Furthermore, the source of this disorder may also be caused by educational mistakes.

It occurs, when the parents, in order to calm down the child, offer them something to eat.
The child then gradually starts associating eating with state of emotional gratification.

W. Bräutigam claims that people who eat too much often had been brought up by dominant, too solicitous mothers.

Anorexia nervosa is a life-threatening eating disorder characterized by immoderate food restriction.
It leads to weight loss up to as much as 40% of the initial body mass.
One person in ten dies as a result of this illness.

People suffering from this disorder are inclined to strive for self-control.
These are often young girls who feel that they parents are treating them worse relatively to their siblings or being the only children.

They tend to be idealistic, perform well at school and be very ambitious.
They usually have broad intellectual horizons and are very meticulous.
They have a strong bond with the mother, need attention and want to have control over the family.

Usually, anorexia is a problem of the entire family, which tends to be dysfunctional.

However, the members of the family deny the existence of any problems.
They can be stubborn and avoid conflicts.

The parents tend to engage children into their problems.
They can exhibit rivalry and frustration. These families are often dominated by women.

Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Bulimia nervosa is another eating disorder characterized by consuming excessive amounts of food.
Sometimes their energy value exceeds 10 000 calories.

This disease is most prevalent in women, between 15 and 25 years of age.
Their families are usually well off but full of tensions and not closely bound.
Their fathers are often prone to alcoholism.

Women suffering from bulimia usually have a deep sense of emptiness and lack of the sense of life.
They also have a low self-esteem and often react to the things that happen to them with excess pessimism.

They feel shame and helplessness. Moreover, they can’t cope with problems, stresses of everyday life and are prone to addictions.

They find it difficult to maintain the right perspective when facing difficulties.
Often, they had been taking responsibilities of adults when they were still children.

Stomach and duodenal ulcers. The causes of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract may be two-fold: physical – such as burns, toxins, infections, inadequate blood supply, and psychogenic disorders linked to certain personality traits and stress (U. Glatzel).

Negative emotions can lead to accelerated food passage through the stomach, they can also trigger stomach contractions and increase acid secretion.

The mucous membrane can be damaged when it is continuously subject to excess amounts of hydrochloric acid.
A wound that is created as a result can subsequently ulcerate.

People with gastrointestinal tract ulcers usually suffer from anxiety and tension.
They can be dominant, quick-tempered and impulsive. They often experience stressful situations and work long hours.

Constipation. It is a condition where a patient is unable to defecate for a couple of days.
The problem concerns 35% of women and 10% of men (B. Luban-Plozza, W. Poldinger, F. Kroger, B. Wasilewski, “Psychosomatic disorders in medical practice”).

What are people suffering from constipation like?
They often experience a lot of fear and anxiety.
They have a tendency for pessimism and depression.
Although they may seem calm, they are full of inner tensions. They can be stubborn, stingy and strive for perfection.

Diarrhea. This condition can be caused by external factors, such as for example a bacterial infection or food poisoning.

Another other cause can be going through certain emotional states.

The sufferers can be fearful and experience psychological tensions. They feel helpless and dependent on others.

Irritable bowel syndrome. This disorder is characterized by frequent diarrhea, bloated feeling, pain in the abdomen and constipation.
People suffering from it are often impulsive.

Ulcerative colitis. It is a chronic condition. It has been shown that 60% of cases are patients who had recently experienced very stressful life events, leading to depression and a feeling of losing something important.

These patients have low self-esteem and suppress aggression (H. Freyberger, 1969) and feel a strong need to achieve (B. Luban-Plozza, J. A. M. Meerloo, 1968). P. Marty, M. De M’Uzan, M. Fain and H. Junker claimed that ulcerative colitis is more prevalent among people who have problems with expressing their feelings.

Hyperthyroidism. It is an endocrine disorder, common among patients who had experienced traumatic life events.
These people are often full of tensions, hyperactive and irritable.
They are characterized by excessive fervour.
They are responsible and ambitious.

Relax. Effective and tested mental and physical techniques to get rid of stress Diabetes mellitus. It is a metabolic disorder caused by insufficient levels of insulin in the blood.
There are two major types distinguished in the literature: Type I – insulin dependent and Type II – insulin independent.

The sufferers experience numerous fears. They depend on others and they like it. They need other people’s care.

Allergies. There are many different types of allergies, but the specialists in psychosomatic medicine agree that psychological factors play an important role in their aetiology.

For example, C. De Boor (1965) mentions a story where the allergen for a patient was a carpet that belonged to her sisters, that she truly hated.
Even when the carpet was removed, she still suffered from allergy attacks. Patients who have a tendency towards developing allergies are often emotionally dependent on their mothers and self-conscious.

Nettle rash. It is a dermatological disorder, present in hypersensitive, anxious, passive and shy patients.

Itch. It has been proven that this particular disorder is exacerbated in stressful circumstances and experiencing anxiety.

Moreover, patients suffering from it are often full of anger and guilt.

Atopic dermatitis. The doctors specializing in psychosomatic medicine claim that this disorder is associated with the quality of the mutual relationship between the mother and the child.

It is more prevalent in patients who are passive and have difficulties with making their own decisions.

Headaches. It is thought that only 10% of all headaches is caused by factors that are strictly somatic (B. Luban-Plozza, W. Poldinger, F. Kroger, B. Wasilewski, “Psychosomatic disorders in medical practice”).

Therefore, it may be inferred that the major risk factor in the etiology of this disease are emotions.

Headaches are a symptom that is periodically present in 70% of people in developed countries.

These are often people struggling with internal conflicts, anger and tiredness who take offense easily.
They tend to hide their emotional problems, are frustrated and feel rejected.

Insomnia. There are many different types of insomnia but the disorder is often caused by psychological factors.

The disease is prevalent in many patients and it can disappear after a period of time or develop into a chronic problem.
The risk factors are stressful situations, inner conflicts, anxiety, fears and worries.

Soft tissue rheumatism. The disease is more often seen in people who have a very fixed attitude towards life.
They have high ambitions and are inclined to sacrifice themselves for others.
They tend to strive for perfection in everything they do and suppress aggression.
They often experience fears and depression. Beck (1971) claims that these patients want to be independent and feel an urge to take care of someone.

Pain in the spine. The causes are often numerous problems and tensions of emotional nature as well as a feeling of helplessness.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It is a chronic disorder, which damages the joints of the entire body. It is thought that it can be caused by stress and other emotional problems.

It has been observed that patients with RA tend to be very tolerant.
They are patient and humble.
They are inclined to be altruistic and they are enterprising.
They have a strong tendency for self-control and suppressing anger (F. Alexander, 1951).

Here is how A. Lichtwitz characterizes women with rheumatoid arthritis:

“The women in the later stages of rheumatoid arthritis tend to behave very similarly.
They are the kindest and most understanding of patients.
They never complain, even if we can’t help them.

I always get the impression that they are trying to cheer the doctors up and show that they are sorry that they are putting so much effort into their cases without any results.

They never lose faith, always greet the doctor with the same calm smile.
It seems that they are happy when the doctor appreciates their progress in the process of rehabilitation.
Their kindness, calmness and tolerance are admirable.

However, it has to be emphasized that in this case such a behavior results from affective disorders, emptiness and psychological rigidity, which constitute the symptoms of the pathological process.”

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How to buy the e-book by Marta Pyrchala "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques"

Heal your emotions with effective and tested mental techniques Are you tired with being unhappy and stressed?
Do you have enough of sadness and anger?
Would you like to get emotional freedom and become happy?

You can heal your emotions! I will help you.

Welcome to Heal your Emotions, a book that will guide you on your journey towards better emotional health.

In this book, you will find a comprehensive guide to understanding and improving your emotional well-being.

We will explore the science behind the influence of emotions on our health, as well as ways to heal and manage our emotions through various therapeutic techniques you can do at home.

Here, you will get to know more about my book "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques".

How to buy the book Heal YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques”

Currently, you can use two ways to buy e-book by Marta Pyrchala "HEAL YOUR EMOTIONS with effective and tested mental techniques":

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